Thursday, January 28, 2010

Adrian Peterson's Fumblitis

Adrian Peterson is the most talented and intimidating running back in the NFL. Sorry Chris Johnson, but Adrian Peterson has your speed in the body of a monster. Adrian Peterson can outrun defensive backs, and truck linebackers. He did that at Oklahoma, where he almost single-handedly beat Boise State coming off of a broken collarbone, and has done that in his short time in the league (I badly wanted the Packers to take him the year he came out, but after winning the last 4 games, they ended up with Justin Harrell). But Peterson has problems with some basic fundamentals that keep him from being the best in the NFL. He is ineffective coming out of the backfield as a receiver, a weak pass-blocker, and has become infamous for putting the ball on the ground. These are signs of a player with mega-talent and an unimpressive work-ethic badly in need of a makeover. Sure he is a chiseled specimen and undoubtedly a workout warrior, but you need look no further than the Packers' running backs to see what several nuances and hard work can do to a backs' game. The Packers' running backs at first glance are nothing special: Ryan Grant has average speed and isn't intimidating physically; Brandon Jackson is a bit undersized, Ahman Green was great . . . in 2003 and DeShawn Wynn should never stray too far from a stretcher. A rather uninspiring group as a whole, but under the tutoring of Edgar Bennett did not fumble a ball this season off of carries. I have been clamoring for the Packers to acquire via the draft, free agency(Come on Ted) or a trade for a runner with dynamic speed to add to this already nearly unstoppable offense for a while now, not to mention improve the deplorable return game; Dexter McCluster was my choice until he lit the Senior Bowl practice field ablaze the last several days systematically rising several rounds, but the chronically underrated Packers backfield is just fine as it is for now.

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