Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bucks will go after 2011

As Bucks' nation already knows, the Bucks will have a ton of cap space in two years. How they use this space will be an interesting story line over the next year and a half. Will the Bucks be able to trade some of their "assets", expiring contracts like Dan Gadzuric 7.2 million, Michael Redd 18 million, John Salmons 5.8 million, and Carlos Delfino at 3.5 million, which will give the Bucks the ability to acquire nearly any kind of contract that goes past that time slot. With the new CBA likely to take place after next year, this is also important to not destroy the new found cap space. Will Hammond use it wisely? That is up for debate. But the likely hood of being able to acquire another long term piece to the core is high at the end of this season, the trade deadline, or the summer of 2011. Carmelo maybe? One can dream.

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