Sunday, February 28, 2010

Marquette escapes (again)

Jeremy Hazell is a very good player. I'm not sure how that last 3 didn't go down, but it didn't and Marquette escaped yet again. Incredible how they can pull out the close one's now after not being able to before. Is that because Marquette is the better team than the last few teams they have played, and not as good as the Villanovas or the Syracuses? Or is it all just a bit of luck/chance/probability? I'll let you decide, but I'm going to take the boring route and say a combination of the two. Can Jimmy Butler ever make a clutch 3? Just a couple? Lazar is just a good ball player, can hit the three or get the big steal, and today past Dominic James for 3rd place all time on Marquette's scoring list.

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