Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Big Head Kevin Mench signs with the Nats


Kevin Mench was the notable acquisition, along with Francisco Cordero, in the Carlos Lee trade with the Rangers. By the end of his Brewer career, Mench was known for his humongous, and I mean that honestly, head. I’m talking the biggest head you have ever seen on a human being. Overall, amounted to a solid platoon player with the Brewers who split at-bats with Brett Favre look-a-like Geoff Jenkins, but never became the player Doug Melvin envisioned when he traded for him. One thing that is very noticeable about Melvin is that he rarely gives up on players, and almost always, at least during his tenure with the Brewers, will sign a former Ranger that he oversaw or drafted to a low risk contract with Milwaukee. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. With Mench, you can probably assume the latter.

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