Thursday, February 4, 2010

Brady Clark signs minor league deal with the White Sox of all teams

Brady Clark had a good run with the Brewers as the starting CF, even if he played so close to second base he probably could have spit on it. Of course the White Sox, who basically gave him the starting job by acquiring Scott Podsednik. What a great trade by Doug Melvin. Podsednik had his 15 minutes in Chicago, wining a World Series, most notably for his extra inning HR to beat the Astros 1-0 (his only HR that whole season. But Carlos Lee was better. El Caballo as he was sometimes called was a great hitter for the Brewers before signing with the Astros for twice as much as Melvin offered him. I, as a Carlos Lee jersey owner, appreciated his time in Milwaukee, and could never really root against him as an Astro, unless they were playing the Brewers. Contrary to popular belief, it would take a saint to turn down 100 million dollars.

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