Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bucks clinch 3 game Wisconsin Sweep Saturday

3-0 for the Badger state. When was the last time that happened? Big win over the Pacers, continuing the undefeated home record in 2010. Best game of the season for Luc Richard, as his defense on Granger was key, in addition to his great night offensively with 18 pts and 11 rebounds. Stackhouse and Delfino each had solid nights in supporting roles with 14 and 6 and 16 and 4 respectively. Everything was fine, until TJ Ford decided to hit shots for the first time in his life, of course from the other bench. Did TJ ever have a night like that in Milwaukee? Jennings got schooled by him, and shot just 2/10. Sorry Brandon, you were a minus tonight.

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