Sunday, February 28, 2010

Marquette escapes (again)

Jeremy Hazell is a very good player. I'm not sure how that last 3 didn't go down, but it didn't and Marquette escaped yet again. Incredible how they can pull out the close one's now after not being able to before. Is that because Marquette is the better team than the last few teams they have played, and not as good as the Villanovas or the Syracuses? Or is it all just a bit of luck/chance/probability? I'll let you decide, but I'm going to take the boring route and say a combination of the two. Can Jimmy Butler ever make a clutch 3? Just a couple? Lazar is just a good ball player, can hit the three or get the big steal, and today past Dominic James for 3rd place all time on Marquette's scoring list.

Big shocker there

Guess Big Z isn't coming to Milwaukee. Really didn't see that one coming. The next CBA really needs to stop this trading players and being able to resign them is ridiculous.

At least one Buck will be in the Playoffs


And to think it will be Elson. Man is the NBA frustrating. Elson is horrible. He deserves to be in the playoffs less than I do. Maybe he will pull a Jerome James and get a huge mega-deal after a good playoff series (Poor Knicks fans with Isiah Lord).

Traylor in trouble too


What is it about former Bucks? Now Robert Traylor is in trouble for tax-evasion. Somehow Bucks' fans should be able to acquit him on more serious charges, such as larceny from a Senator. Dirk, ah!

Well, duh Hommy

Browns will build through the draft? I thought they would just skip the draft, well they did draft Brady Quinn.

(But also Joe Thomas)

Sounds good to me

I agree with this sentiment. Crosby is an okay kicker, but isn't bad enough to kick to the curb. A little competition never hurt anyone.

Jolly's court appearance delay again

Now his court date is past the tender date. Great.

A National Sports Writer mention of Hammond

It isn't much, but hey its Bill Simmons, and better yet ESPN.

And the owners are blaming the players? Really? Just in the past three years, we've seen general managers Sam Presti (Zombie Sonics), Daryl Morey (Rockets) and John Hammond (Bucks) build competitive teams by prudently watching their cap, searching for bargains, building around young talent and picks, and/or carving out enough cap space to take advantage of desperate suitors who will pay with draft picks or young players just to dump an unsavory contract. There's a method to their madness. They are the minority, not the majority. Most of their competitors sabotaged themselves and inadvertently reduced the value of franchises as a whole.

I would agree with that synopsis, but Hammond isn't in Morey's league. Presti I think is overrated, he fell into Durant because Portland took Bowie, I mean Oden, which I thought was the right move at the time. Their other core pieces just aren't that good, i.e. Russel Westbrook, who I wanted the Bucks to draft, and Jeff Green aren't very good. Hammond is a pretty good GM, especially considering the mess Larry Harris was and put Hammond in.

Ok, Ok, I forgot to mention this tidbit

Ok, its more than a tidbit and I apologize. The Bucks reacquired Royal Ivey, and also got Primoz Brezec and the sweetener, a 2nd round pick from the dreadful 76ers. I think that John Hammond learned his lesson from last season, just imagine if he could have gotten San Antonio's second round pick and taken Blair? Too little too late, but still.

Former Buck Robertson in trouble


No not Oscar, but Alvin. Still, never any mercy for someone who is even close to something like this. Fall from grace for him, that's for sure.

Nothing new on the J.J front

Brewers wanted a pitcher or a CF. Twins didn't want to trade a pitcher. Brewers wanted Gomez. J.J. whined, okay that wasn't in the article but it almost certainly happened.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Troy Vincent jions the league office

Still in disbelief that the Packers didn't draft him. Or Chris Chambers. Robert Ferguson, "Oy vey!?!"

Bucks destroy Heat

The Bucks destroyed the Heat, again. For the 3rd time this season, which gives them the all-important tie breaker over a potential team that is competing for a playoff spot. Jamaal Magilore played more minutes than Dwyane Wade, which is a bad sign for any basketball team. Now 7-1 on the road this month.

Padres out on Lopez?

Come on Felipe, don't go to St. Louis. That could give them the division this season with his production over David Freese and that abomination that is the St. Louis IF minus Albert.

Brewers will finish ahead of Houston for a while

Ed Wade is a horrible GM, he signed Brandon Lyon for 3 years 15 million enough said. And who is their SS this season again?

De La Rosa wants to stay in Colorado

Jorge De La Rosa was a huge part of the Richie Sexson trade, perhaps the key piece. But did nothing put give false hope for the Brewers. Of course, everyone gives lefties with great power arms a second, third or fourth chance. De La Rosa has come close to reaching his potential in Colorado. Let him stay. We hardly knew you.

Dodgers Sign Eric Gagne

Gagne returns home, kind of. Like I said before, thank you Gagne for your September, and for buying those fans tickets that he did. But for 10 million? Hardly.

Bucks will go after 2011

As Bucks' nation already knows, the Bucks will have a ton of cap space in two years. How they use this space will be an interesting story line over the next year and a half. Will the Bucks be able to trade some of their "assets", expiring contracts like Dan Gadzuric 7.2 million, Michael Redd 18 million, John Salmons 5.8 million, and Carlos Delfino at 3.5 million, which will give the Bucks the ability to acquire nearly any kind of contract that goes past that time slot. With the new CBA likely to take place after next year, this is also important to not destroy the new found cap space. Will Hammond use it wisely? That is up for debate. But the likely hood of being able to acquire another long term piece to the core is high at the end of this season, the trade deadline, or the summer of 2011. Carmelo maybe? One can dream.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Badgers kill Inidiana

Boring. Another Wisconsin teams steps into Indiana and pummels a basketball team. Tom Crean, you are overrated. Not much to say. On Wisconsin! Supposedly they are building a nice highway around Chicago so more Wisconsinites can witness more such pummelings.

Illiana Expressway

Daniels might hold out?

Not a smart move by probably the best all-around Tight End, yes Jermichael, you must imporve you blocking. He has a torn ACL, no team is going to give you a huge contract until you at least prove you can still painstakingly plant your pivot foot. Just get your reps in, rehab well, and come back and set the league ablaze again.

Still no word on StarCaps

Ok, seriously this is absurd. Several Pro-Bowl players cheated, got caught, and STILL haven't gotten punished. Imagine if these were baseball players. Imagine a Vikings team without the fat Williams' slobs.

Chiefs sign Dave Raynor

Dave Raynor is an average kicker. Not bad, not good. Kansas City is a bad team. Sounds like a match up for the ages. How much are they paying Matt Cassel?

Bucks beat Pacers, but it was too close

So the Bucks started out a tad sluggish, but by the end of the 3rd quarter, everything seemed to go according to plan. But then Bogut went to the bench in his customary 4th quarter blow out fashion, and things just kind unraveled until the crew was able to eventually pull it out. Jennings, please stop chucking 18 footers. You can't make them. Ilyasova played well, can't help but think that maybe he felt he had something to prove. Murphy played well from the perimeter, but was softer than I remembered. Roy Hibbert hit several what looked to be lucky shots, but perhaps he is just getting better. I always thought that he was underrated coming out of college. Still can't defend though.

Butler at the BUZZER!!!

Jimmy Butler came out of the gates appearing to be the next big thing at Marquette. Low and behold Big East play came along and Butler was productive albeit not as productive as earlier in the season, hitting rock bottom in clutch situations. But he came up with a huge jumper to win the game against St. Johns, giving the Golden Eagles another tough road win.

Bucks beat Hornets without Paul

A win is a win is a win. The Bucks beat the Hornets for the first time in 9 games. Bogut was a monster again with 26 and 13. Stackhouse had a nice game off the bench, all the while giving the Bucks a .500 record and the 7th spot in the East.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bucks beat Knicks, this time with Bogut

Andrew Bogut probably wishes he didn't get a migraine against the Knicks in their last meeting. Bogut had 24 points, 20 rebounds and 5 blocks to dominate the Knicks, he even had 14 points and 9 rebounds in the 1st quarter. Tracy McGrady is officially ancient. Another victory for your Bucks, and guess what the Bull lost too. Go Bango!

Marquette squeeks by Cincy, clinches tournament bid?

Lazar Haywood hit a key three after another putrid shooting game to put the game into overtime, and then systematically dominated from there as Marquette won on the road. Does this win put them in the NCAA tournament? Let's hope so.

Wisconsin beats Northwestern, phew

Made us Badger fans a bit nervous toward the end but eventually pulled it out. Still need help for the Big Ten title. On Wisconsin. No one's game really sticks out, but Leuer had a huge block to end the game.

Indians sign 3TO

Finally a guy with 31 HR signs. For just 8 million for the next two seasons, with just 2 guaranteed. Brewer fans, this is why we shouldn't resign Prince Fielder to a huge deal. Sure he is great, second best hitter in the game behind Pujols, but Branyan hit 31 HR last year, always has a serviceable OPS for 1B, and can play all of the corners. Fielder will be worth about $20 million dollars annually to resign, and Branyan is far more than 10% of the player Prince is.

Marquette with a disappointing loss

Marquette's loss to Pittsburgh hurts in a couple of ways. This is probably their worst conference loss, the game wasn't really close down the stretch for the first time in Big East play. The game was at home against a good but not great team. Lazar Haywood couldn't buy a bucket late in the game. The intensity was still there, but overall not a great effort by the Golden Eagles. The tournament isn't guaranteed at this point.

Wisconsin gets blown out by rival Gophers

The return of Jon Leuer didn't go as fairy tales should. Looking out of shape, sync, and touch, Jon Leuer was terrible for the Badgers. Minnesota again beat Bucky, for the 3rd time in a row. Real classy Minnesota fans at the Barn too, as they lead a charade of elicit material not suitable for this site. Big Ten title hopes are thin now for your Badgers. Can't be too disappointed though, I had this as a loss coming into the month.

Hardy just comfirms what we already knew

J.J. Hardy was a good shortstop for the Brewers. But he was a whiner. He whined about hitting in front of the pitcher, he whined about being demoted for hitting .219. He's whining some more to the Minnesota press. His latest installment? He's complaining that he didn't get enough off days. Better yet, he had too much pride to ask for a rest. If only we were all as good of a person as you are J.J.

Bucks tried to acquire Carl Landry?

Lost in translation in the huge Tracy McGrady trade was that Milwaukee native Carl Landry was traded to the Sacramento Kings. Supposedly this was a radio rumor, but it makes sense. What would you trade for Carl Landry? Ersan is not worth giving up for Troy Murphy, but is he for Landry? Ultimately, I think that the Bucks felt that he wasn't, and the Kings were probably seeking other pieces besides a power forward, like a young swing man spot up shooter for Landry due to their glut of big men, such as Jason Thompson Spencer Hawes, Joey Dorey and Omri Casspi, in addition to Tyreke Evans. Could Landry be someone the Bucks could sign with the Redd and Gadzuric expiring contract cap space in 2011? I wouldn't be surprised.

Sorry for the hiatus

Will be updating frantically to true to give you guys the best Wisconsin Sports Experience on the Web

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bucks trading Ridour?

If the Bucks were to trade Ridnour, I'm sure that Jared Jefferies would be coming to the Bucks, as then the Knicks could offer Max Contracts to 2 players this off season, and the Bucks are one of the few teams that are willing to add contracts for the off season. Smart maneuvering on Hammond's part. The Bucks would need to get a point guard in some form.

Bucks trading Ridour?

Welcome back Kurt and Francisco.

Goodbye Joe Alexander and Hakim Warrick. I must say that I like this trade better for the Bucks. Kurt Thomas is pretty much needed to back up Bogut. I suppose the actual players are contingent on if Hammond can pull off another trade. What an exciting deadline.

I'm sorry George


You are in my prayers George. No one deserves cancer. Get well soon. Your Denver Nuggets team is pretty good this season I hear.

Good news for Manny Parra

Manny Parra, Milwaukee

There’s probably not a better example of the divide between the FIP crowd and the ERA crowd than Parra. Those who evaluate a pitcher by the amount of hits and runs he allows will see Parra as an inconsistent flake, a guy with good stuff but no idea how to use it. Those of us who don’t hold a pitcher’s entire BABIP against him will see a lefty who gets both groundballs and strikeouts and has been the victim of bad luck and/or bad defense in a career that still represents a small sample.

I lean more towards the latter camp, obviously. I don’t see a compelling reason to believe that he’s earned a .349 career BABIP. His line drive rates are average-ish, and his GB rate isn’t high enough that we should expect him to give up that many hits on balls in play. He doesn’t throw hittable crap down the middle. He may have been frustrating to watch over the last several years, but there’s a lot more ability here than the results would suggest.

Parra needs to breakout for the Brewers to win the division, or rather, the Brewers need some players to break out and Parra has one of the higher chances of actually breaking out. Parra has taunted Brewer fans with his potential, and now needs to realize it, and fast.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Yay, the pitcher hitting 8th

Score one for the sabermetric Brewer fans. My current lineup would be:


The Brewers need a breakout hitter in the worst way. Fielder and Braun, and probably Weeks will be there. McGehee will probably regress. Who is that player?

Gooden looking for a buy-out


Sign me up for Drew Gooden. Tough banger to back up Bogut and play some PF. Would be a nice replacement for Kurt Thomas. Tough to see him traded so many times, and now is on the Clippers. Always played well against the Bucks, scoring his career high 33 and also having a big game with Dallas earlier this year.

Bucks get slammed by Rockets

Man, I don't think I've ever seen a team shoot the 3 like the Rockets did tonight. Ultimately, this was a loss at the beginning of the night, and is a loss at the end as well. No harm done. Would nice to see the Bucks upset a time every once in a while. Not their night tonight. Charlie Bell tied Tim Thomas for 4th all time in Bucks 3 point shots made. Dear lord, what a pathetic statistic.

Bucks pick up Salmons, more on the way?

Hollinger likes the trade for the Bucks:

Bucks: A solid move here by the Bucks to take on Salmons, since they're one of the few teams targeting 2011 for free-agent dollars rather than 2010. Salmons could conceivably opt out of the $5.8 million he's owed next year, but in the current market and with his current production, it seems highly unlikely.

Thomas and Francisco Elson weren't playing, so this deal costs the Bucks nothing of value. Meanwhile adding Salmons gives the Bucks a wing scorer that they've sorely needed ever since Michael Redd went out. He's a decent defender too, which should allow the Bucks to maintain their trademark feistiness while getting much more production than the likes of Charlie Bell could deliver.

Combined with a favorable late-season schedule and the fact that the trade strips Chicago of a key weapon, this deal positions the Bucks to make the playoffs for the first time since 2006. And with $12 million in expiring contracts waiting in reserve (Luke Ridnour, Hakim Warrick and Joe Alexander), the Bucks may not be done dealing yet. Grade: B

I agree with the analysis. I'm not sure that I especially like Salmons, but he is certainly more productive than Thomas and Elson were. But what if the Bulls are able to parlay this savings into Dwayne Wade, LeBron stays in Cleveland, and the Bucks are perpetually stuck in 3rd in the Central? I like this trade for the Bucks, but future ramifications are dicey. Now go get Murphy for expirings, and the Bucks will be in business.

Fat Williams is coming back

The Williams brothers, they aren't really brothers, have been a devastating DT combination for the Minnesota Vikings since they were brought together. Now, they should be back for another season, or what should be 75% of a season. They used StarCaps, which was a banned supplement, they got caught, and still haven't been suspended. Talk about an absurd rule. Won't be easy sledding for Ryan Grant again this season.

Felipe, don't sign with the Cardinals

Felipe Lopez would be a big improvement for the Cardinals, who currently have nothing in the infield aside from Fat Albert Pujols. Signing Lopez could swing the pendulum far in their court in terms of the NL Central. Aside from Ludwick, Holiday and Pujols, and perhaps Molina if you include position adjustments, the Cardinals' offense is nothing special. Throw in Lopez at 2B or 3B, then there is another impact bat. Put him at SS, and they lose all their offensive production to Lopez's lousy SS defense. Sign him San Diego!

Another good Wisconsin safety?

That is someone from Wisconsin, born and educated in the state. Jim Leonard is a very solid player for the New York Jets, and Chris Maragos has a chance to follow is his foot steps. It would not surprise me to see Chris go undrafted or maybe tabbed in the late rounds. I think his average speed hurts him as far as draft stock goes. But, if Leonard can do it, you have to think Chris can too. I'm sure that everyone in Wisconsin will be rooting for him. Maybe he will even suit up at Lambeau. Heck, Jim Leonard was offered a contract.

Good news for Brewers' fans and a bit of not so good news

Without getting into his metric, which he calls "inventory value," baseball writer Bill James cast a list of the best, young talent in the major leagues.

He ranked what he determined to be the "most valuable properties" in the majors right now, whether they are position players or pitchers. None of the players he lists was older than 26 last season.

Two of the top five on his list are Brewers. Prince Fielder is ranked second and Ryan Braun is ranked fourth.

Felix Hernandez of Seattle is ranked first, Hanley Ramirez of Florida is third and Pablo Sandoval of San Francisco is fifth.

The next five are Tim Lincecum of San Francisco, Evan Longoria of Tampa Bay, Justin Upton of Arizona, Miguel Cabrera of Detroit and Nick Markakis of Baltimore.

The next 10 are: Matt Kemp of the Dodgers, Dustin Pedroia of Boston, Zack Greinke of Kansas City, Ryan Zimmerman of Washington, David Wright of the Mets, Joe Mauer of Minnesota, TroyTulowitzki of Colorado, Adam Lind of Toronto, Jair Jurrjens of Atlanta and Mark Reynolds of Arizona.

James ranks the Brewers 19th among 30 major-league teams with the most young talent.

He has Tampa Bay ranked first, followed by Colorado, Minnesota, Arizona and Boston.

2 of the top 5 is pretty incredible for one team, and the fact that they will still be Brewers for the next 2 seasons is great. But the fact that they are ranked 19th isn't so great. The Brewers farm system isn't as good as it was earlier this decade, and will need to replace Fielder when he undoubtedly leaves. Part of that could come in a trade, but who knows? Enjoy them while, moreso he, is here Brewer fans. You won't see talent like this forever or for long after that, just ask Royals fans.

Last Packer Super Bowl punter retires

There are few players left from that magical 1996 Super Bowl champion Packers team, and now there may only be one. Craig Hentrich retired today at the age of 40. The Packers have had horrendous punters ever sense, Jeremy Kapinos, Jon Ryan, Derrek Frost and Josh Bidwell come to mind, or give me nightmares, and to think that Hentrich didn't even have an ACL? If only Brett would get the message.

Did Rodgers' belt dance inspire the Cardinals' D?

We all know that Aaron Rodgers' belt dance is lame, but does it inspire defenders to play better?

Sharper could be franchised. If not. . .

Darren Sharper was an overrated Packer. Now he appears to be going to Canton because of one thing, he takes gambles. All the time. Going for the big hit or the key interception at all costs, including being left in the dust. As a member of the Saint's Super Bowl championship team, Sharper will be in line for a huge raise. Would Sharper look good next to Collins? Would certainly be an upgrade over Atari Bigby? Was that Bridge burned? Would Thompson pay that much for a Darren Sharper type? While the answer to all of those questions is almost certainly no, it's interesting to think about.

Maybe the Rays for Branyan?

I'm sure the Indians will sign him given that they are offering a Major League deal. They have an opportunity to swing him at the deadline for some prospects. Nice buy-low deal for the Tribe.

Rockies and Dodgers show interest in Gagne or is it vice versa?

Eric Gagne says he wants to play for the Dodgers again. Eric, hear me out on this one. You were great in LA, the fans couldn't get enough of you. But guess what, Paul Lo Duca and his HGH factory are no longer there. You were on the Mitchell Report. You were only incredible because of the HGH, and now your biggest supplier is gone. You're finished Gagne, and somehow you are the only one who knows that.

Two former Brewers platooning?

Potentially Russel Branyan and Matt LaPorta, yes that Matt LaPorta, could see themselves in a platoon with one another. An interesting thought for Brewers' fans, as LaPorta was the dynamic prospect that was involved in the CC Sabathia trade, while Branyan played a big role on the 2008 team in his platoon with Bill Hall at 3B, including his memorable shot in the bottom of the 9th against Joe Nathan and the Twins to send the game into extras. A far cry from last season for Branyan, as he had a huge first half before finishing with 30+ HR in his first real shot at full-time ABs for Jack Z's Mariners.

Gary Sheffield not willing to take a bench spot

Gary, face it, you're going to be sitting down a majority of this season, whether it is on someone's bench or on your couch. When the Nationals don't want you to start for them, you have a problem.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A couple of teams watch Eric Gagne

The Rockies and Gagne's old Dodgers watched him throw 2 days ago, with the Rockies expressing an interest in offering him a deal. Gagne was underrated as a Brewer, but that doesn't mean that he was worth anything close to the $10 million he was paid. The Rockies thought his workout was pedestrian. I would like you to take a gander at Gagne's September, I think you will come out of that surprised.

Should Ahman Green be resigned?

I highly doubt that Green will be back. If fact, it would be a major disappointment in my personal opinion of the off season if he was resigned. Ahman Green was a solid guy this year, who I think pushed Grant to be better. But the Packers need to get a better return man and a better receiver out of the backfield, and an easy way to kill those two birds with one stone would be to draft or sign a Leon Washington/Dexter McCluster type who can return and serve as a receiver out of the backfield.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Brewers without options

The two Brewers that stick out like sour thumbs are Manny Parra and Chris Narveson. Both, especially Parra, are guys with major league success, but that could use some grooming. Parra has been sent down each of the last two years, and will have to iron out his struggles in Milwaukee or for another organization. Almost no way he gets through waivers. There is a chance that Narveson could make it as he could be viewed as AAAA fodder due to his suspect stuff.

Chad Ford's Bucks Report

Chad Ford: Bucks Interested In SG, Murphy/Jamison/Thomas

Milwaukee Bucks

Assets: Ersan Ilyasova; potential lottery pick; expiring contracts of Luke Ridnour, Joe Alexander and Kurt Thomas

Just months ago, the Bucks appeared to be conducting a fire sale. But now, to the surprise of other teams, Bucks GM John Hammond has been out aggressively looking to move expiring contracts to get back a power forward or a dynamic 2-guard to play alongside Andrew Bogut and Brandon Jennings.

The Bucks have reportedly talked to both the Wizards about Antawn Jamison and the Pacers about Troy Murphy and shown interest in the Bulls' Tyrus Thomas.

Milwaukee will have to be patient, because other teams might have better offers to make to Washington, Indiana and Chicago. But if the Bucks are willing to throw their first-round pick into a deal, they might be able to trump other teams. As the deadline approaches, don't be surprised to see Milwaukee scoop up someone.

I would stay far away from Jamison, way too long of a contract. I have posted on my huge support for a Murphy. Tyrus would be intriguing, but I'm not sure that Scott Skiles would be okay with that. I wonder who the Shooting Guard might be? I haven't heard anything about a)the Bucks being interested in a SG or b) who might be available. I would be all for that, as SG truly has been the downfall of this team this year.

Baseball Prospectus gives us their top 15 Brewer Prospects

Five-Star Prospects
1. Alcides Escobar, SS
Four-Star Prospects
2. Brett Lawrie, 2B
Three-Star Prospects
3. Mat Gamel, 3B
4. Wily Peralta, RHP
5. Cody Scarpetta, RHP
6. Jon Lucroy, C
7. Eric Arnett, RHP
8. Kyle Heckathorn, RHP
9. Kentrail Davis, OF
10. Angel Salome, C
Two-Star Prospects
11. Logan Schafer, OF

Four More:
12. Mark Rogers, RHP: Rogers’ stuff was outstanding after missing two years due to shoulder problems, but can he pitch more than three innings every five days?
13. Caleb Gindl, OF: He’s a small outfielder and very low on tools, but his production at the plate has been impressive.
14. Jake Odorizzi, RHP: He has advanced command and control for his age, but Odorizzi’s stuff has yet to take the expected step forward.
15. Zach Braddock, LHP: This power lefty took a big step forward with a move to bullpen; he has the ceiling of a set-up man.

Big shocker that Escobar is a 5 star. For more analysis, visit:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Racine Native Butler joins the Mavericks

Good for him, honestly. He's a good, not great, player, and should help the Mavericks become a better team than they would have been with Josh Howard. Brenden Haywood might be the better part of this deal though. Nice guy who is willing to do the dirty work, who should benefit with having a real point guard for a change. The Wizards didn't get much at all, I feel like they could have gotten significantly more even if they managed to get rid of that bum DeShawn Stevenson, perhaps they are simply getting rid of anyone they can. But more importantly, the first domino fell relatively early. Should the Bucks inquire about Jamison even though his contract is a complete albatross.

Cromwell gets the job

Makes sense, long-time St. Louis, I mean Los Angeles, no I mean St. Louis, no Los Angeles Ram, coming back to his old franchise. Interesting that a former S would become the WR coach. Perhaps he would be able to provide some insight from a defensive perspective? I like it. Sounds innovative to say the least. I will say that the Rams need help, and a ton of it. Perhaps he will be mentoring former UW-Whitewater WR Derek Stanley

McClung gets a raise, sort of

Seth McClung made $200,000 more recently all because of a simple typo or misinformation or a cyber-world collapse. Either way, its no chump change. Way to go. That's what I call a bank error in your favor.

Hart's hearing the first in 12 years

Doug Melvin had never gone to arbitration before losing to Corey Hart this past Thursday. Perhaps this caused him to lose? Hart has supposedly lost 22 pounds on a really tough workout plan. Me, I'd rather him take 22 more walks this season.

Mets have not contacted Sheffield

Gary Sheffield is a scum, a cheater, and just a pain. I am glad that he is, hopefully and finally, out of baseball. It was painful to see him hit his 500th home run against the Brewers, just painful. Still throwing balls into the stands Gary?

Washburn looking for right situation

Jarrod Washburn was very good last year, and I think he can be solid in 2010. No one will sign the Wisconsin native. Should the Brewers throw him a bone? I tihnk so. I think that he would take $3 million from the Brewers to pitch, and would be a nice upgrade to the current rotation. This is why the "extra, wasted" money on guys like Jody Gerut and stuff like that are key. The Brewers should be able to afford Washburn, and I for one would like to see them do it. Remember, he pitched in the American League last year.

Just when you didn't think he could get any better, Jack Z finds Jesus

Ok, so its just Jesus Colome. Still, a nice, no-risk pickup for the Mariners. Although I don't like their off season moves as much as most people, or more accurately don't think they are as good as most people think they are, they will still be contenders in the AL West.

Expiring for Troy Murphy?

Where do I sign? I have liked Troy Murphy for as long as I can remember, and he was on the original all-underrated team. This is a great deal for the Bucks if true. Salary expires before 2011, great fit next to Bogut, efficient and can stretch the floor, plays hard, and Indiana is in dire financial straights. I would be hesitant to give up Ridnour though. This trade works in the checker, absolutely marvelous if you have a free couple of hours to just play around with.

Troy Murphy and Travis Diener to Milwaukee

Joe Alexander, Kurt Thomas, Francisco Elson, and Hakim Warrick to Indiana.

All expirings to the Pacers. Local boy comes back home. Only problem is the backup C spot, which has been weak enough anyway. But Bogut has been playing more, so say he gets 36 minutes, Murphy can play C in a small lineup, and Gadzuric can spazz through a few minutes here and there too.

Bucks dangling expiring contracts?

Apparently the Bucks are trying to get a team to bite on one or more of their expiring contracts. If the Bucks are financially stable, which the cavernous Bradley Center screams to me NO!, then perhaps they could take off a high-salaried player from another team that wants to avoid the luxury tax, yet expires before the 2011 off season like so many of the other players on the Bucks roster. I would be hesitant to trade Ridnour who has been so valuable off the bench this season, but the other 2, especially Alexander, are easily replicable.

McClung interview

After reading this captivating interview, I have decided to forgo the nickname McClunk. Really a great read. Seth seems like a great guy to have in the bullpen over a 6 month span that can get grueling for anyone. Perhaps the most interesting piece stems from his comments, or perhaps more accurately, omissions about Ken Macha. Apparently, the two were just short of feuding. Hopefully, this is something that doesn't happen with other players. Macha, who I feel like is a good enough manager, isn't good enough to continue to keep around if he will do nothing but be-riddle and ultimately upset players.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

List of Non-Roster Invitees

This is what happens when you finish last in the National League in pitching, you sign 6 trillion pitchers and hope 3 of them stick. I like the strategy. Which name do you like the best?

Milwaukee Brewers

Pitchers B/T Ht Wt DOB

67 Eric Arnett R/R 6-5 230 01/25/88
70 Zach Braddock L/L 6-4 230 08/23/87
39 Chris Capuano L/L 6-2 225 08/19/78
48 Tim Dillard R/R 6-4 225 07/19/83
50 John Halama L/L 6-5 215 02/22/72
68 Kyle Heckathorn R/R 6-6 240 06/17/88
73 Kameron Loe R/R 6-7 240 09/10/81
76 A.J. Murray S/L 6-3 220 03/17/82
77 Scott Schoeneweis L/L 6-0 190 10/02/73
52 Chris Smith R/R 6-2 200 04/09/81

Catchers B/T Ht Wt DOB

87 Jonathan Lucroy R/R 6-0 185 06/13/86
79 Martin Maldonado R/R 6-1 210 08/16/86
20 Matt Treanor R/R 6-0 210 03/03/76

Outfielders B/T Ht Wt DOB

15 Jim Edmonds L/L 6-1 210 06/27/70
65 Trent Oeltjen L/L 6-1 190 02/28/83
66 Logan Schafer L/L 6-1 180 09/08/86
63 Adam Stern L/R 5-11 185 02/12/80

I think that Jim Edmonds easily has the best chance to play in Milwaukee this year. Maybe Lucroy and Capuano if he can recover. Man do I miss Cappy. Such a good, tough pitcher. Was always in Sheets' shadow, and never got to pitch for this team in a playoff push. Best of luck to him

Brewers sign some Dominicans

I honestly have no idea about these guys from a players perspective, but it is nice to see the Brewers delve into the international market. Perhaps even venture to Europe or Africa? I feel like the talent in the Caribbean is covered very well by the big market teams, and I would say that about 70% of the globe is relatively untouched by professional scouts.

Great Packers' seasons recap

If you can get through all the trash, this guy is doing a fantastic recap of the history of the Green Bay Packers starting with the modern era in 1959. Check it out:

Brian Butch wins D-League All-Star game MVP

Brian Butch was a disappointment, and then a charm for Badgers' fan during his time in Madison. As a local McDonald's All-American, a lot was expected of him early on, and quite frankly, too much. But as his time in Wisconsin continued, he drastically improved and became a valued contributor. Congratulations to Brian, as he will likely find himself on at least one NBA roster before his time is up. How can anyone forget his buzzer-beating, banked in three at Indiana?

Brewers resign Chase Wright

Brewers retained some nice pitching depth. Although Chase of one of those pitchers that you hope will never have to make an appearance in Milwaukee, he has to be better than Ben Hendrickson, right?

Marquette wins 5th straight vs. South Florida

Sloppy game by both teams quite frankly, but this was a game that was important for Marquette's tournament hopes. Can the undefeated month continue? Darius Johnson-Odom played fantastic defense on star South Florida guard Dominique,no not Dominic James, Jones. Lazar Haywood played another strong game, with 18 points and a key 14 rebounds. Overall, Marquette was brutally out-rebounded, but hit key open threes down the stretch to pull out the much-needed victory. On to Pittsburgh.

Badgers destroy Loosiers

Indiana is horrible. Tom Crean is overrated. Wisconsin was at home, and was coming off a bad loss. Not much to say. Bohannon was lights out, and probably wasted a white-hot game against the hapless Hoosiers.

Q & A with Bruce Seid

After Jack Zduriencik left for greener pastures in Seattle, he was the Brewers' Scouting director. Bruce Seid has a lot to live up to, especially with a lot of Jack Z's former players, i.e. Prince Fielder, Yovani Gallardo, and Rickie Weeks, are essentially graduating from the Brewers and slowly but surely getting close to free agency. Seid will be a pivotal member of the Brewers franchise in the coming years, and whose drafts will be required to keep the Crew in contention.

Karl never ceases to amaze me


George Karl says that his contract extension is important to the team. Really, George? I feel like a certain someone benefits a lot more than your team. I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain obese old man benefits a lot more than they do.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lopez fires Boras

Felipe Lopez played well after coming over from the Diamondbacks last season for Cole Gillespie and Roque Mercedes, but because of his agent and his career season seemed destined to start the season in another uniform. Now, Lopez still finds himself without a job, and Boras is probably to blame for that. Obviously Matt Holiday was higher on the pecking order than Felipe, and he paid, or should I say wasn't paid, for it. That's what happens when you are greedy, sometimes you get burned.

Brewers sign, another, lefty reliever

Scott Schoeneweis is a decent lefty reliever to back up the dominant Mitch Stetter for the prominent LOOGY in the Brewers 2010 bullpen. Was horrible last year, but his wife's death certainly couldn't have helped that at all. Was on the Mitchell Report, but I think we can safely assume he's off the stuff, HGH.

An old friend gets a job

Before I became aware of sabermetrics, I remember Jamey Wright’s breakout season in 2000 and subsequent Opening Day start for the Brewers. Although he never had a season approaching 2000, he was a nice guy, but a wild pitcher.

Bucks want Mo Evans? For Kurt Thomas?


This trade makes no sense. Evans is 30, and can't shoot worth anything. Just another perimeter defender, but the Bucks have two such players, Luc Mbah a Moute and to a lesser extent Charlie Bell. Kurt Thomas has some value to a contender, I should hope more than that. Hogwash I say, Hogwash.

Karl gets his money, but . .


A one year contract extension? Someone is greedy. Is it Karl? The owner of the Nuggets. $4.5 million is a lot of money, but the one year shocks me. I guess that we will find out when the Nuggets implode. Perhaps the Nuggets owner knows this, in which case he is smarter than he is given credit for.

Knicks very interested in Ridnour


Well guess what New York, your team is terrible, and there are no matches between the up and coming Bucks and the We want but won't get LeBron Knicks.

Haskell rejoins Holmgren

Gil Haskell coached running backs from 1992 through 1994 and receivers from 1995 through 1997 in Green Bay, where Holmgren became head coach in 1992. Just amazing that Holmmy just keeps rehiring his own buddies. With their be any disagreements on that entire team? I'm not familiar with how Holmgren built the Packers, but if he is simply following the same model, he is in for a wake-up call. The NFL is different, and a franchise QB named Brett most likely won't fall into your lap again, unless of course they choose Jimmy Clausen #7 overall.

McGowan could be traded. I’ll take him.

The Toronto Blue Jays have a ton of starts in camp this season, and they have some talent. Should/When the Blue Jays fall out of contention, McGowan would be on my list of players to acquire at the deadline, if not sooner.

Former Packers WR coach coming back to the NFL?

The Green Bay Packers' special teams coach from their incredible Super Bowl run is interested in the Rams Wide Receivers' job. Question, why don't you become our special teams' coach again? We need all the help we can get in that department, but then again, the Rams need help, lots of it.

Blue Jays acquire Dana Eveland

Another former Brewer signed recently, this time Dana Eveland. A mountain of a man, Dana will sign to compete for a spot in the Blue Jays rotation. Overall, a good signing for the Jays, no risk, and they won't be competing in the AL East for the next couple of years. At least Dana can probably become a serviceable lefty out of the pen.

Bogut tells it like it is


Andrew Bogut is a honest, hard-working player, who epitomizes the city of Milwaukee very well. Happy to have him a Buck. He is truly a great building block , and contrary to popular belief, far from a bust. Remember, it wasn't Chris Paul or Deron Williams that everyone was clamoring the Bucks to take, it was Marvin Williams. Who's laughing now? Bogut realizes that until the Bucks make some noise, he won't get any All-Star consideration, there are too few spots. He plays smart and acts smart, and has been the Bucks MVP this season.

Corey Hart wins

Disappointing. Corey Hart's career and his win in arbitration. Hart is a slightly below average defender, average hitter who has been trending downwards for the last 2 years, and hasn't done anything since making the 2008 All-Star team. $4.8 million is just too much for him, and to think that this is just his 2nd arbitration case. You have to believe that the All-Star game appearance helped him. Perhaps his improved plate discipline leads to a step in the right direction next season.

Should the Brewers have gone after Damon?

With Corey Hart's arbitration giving him now 4.8 million, should the Brewers have jumped in on Johnny Damon, while declining arbitration or trading Corey Hart? Probably not, but with the devaluing of old players and the now lack of value that arbitration players get in comparison to the current market.

Brandon Jennings interview

Brandon Jennings is a good interview considering he didn't go to college, sorry couldn't get a high enough score on the SAT to go to college.

Ben Sheets most important signing for A's

Only if he stays healthy and either nets them a huge plethora of prospects at the deadline or keeps the afloat in the AL West. How many Brewers' teams counted on him for that. I'm as big a Ben Sheets apologist as anyone, but his act got tired fast. Could have been truly great if he had just tried to take care of himself, lose some weight, gain some flexibility, something so he wouldn't get hurt so much. Davey Lopes killing him on horrible Brewer teams early last decade while he was still young didn't help matters either.

Marlins sign another former Brewer to a minor league deal

So Mike Lamb joins Seth McClung and Derrick Turnbow in Miami. Interesting. I respect the Marlins a lot, and Lamb has always had a knack of hitting right handers well, and was brought in to platoon with Bill Hall. Nice inconsequential signing by the Marlins.

No agreement yet for Hart

On to arbitration for the first time in 12 years. Go Brewers!

Jim Edmonds contract details

Funny that he makes $850 for making the team. That’s a pretty cool signing bonus I must admit.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bucks beat Nets, sweet

This game was too close for too long. The Nets are horrible. 4-47 speaks for itself. Perhaps the most important thing was that the Bucks won on the road and Ridnour finally seemed to get out of his slump. Overall a routine win against the worst team in the NBA. Solid standing at the All-Star break, 9th in the conference and 13th in Hollinger's power rankings, which correlates to 5th in the conference. Devin Harris had a nice game for the Nets

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bogut and Mbah show up, Wisconsin sports suffer second defeat.

Playing the terrible Detroit Pistons, at home no less, should have been an easy win for the Bucks. But guess what, continuing a theme from earlier tonight, a Wisconsin basketball team lost to an inferior opponent by double digits. The Bucks had 9, ya NINE points in the 1st quarter. Bogut and Luc Richard showed up and played hard tonight. Delfino hit a couple of threes, but besides that the effort just wasn't there. Disappointing. Now just even for the month of February.

Bud gets a statue. Does he deserve it.

Former Brewer owner who is the father of your Milwaukee Brewers. Does he deserve a statue?

Holmgren's best branch

There have been several NFL coaches that have resided on the Packers sideline under the tutelage as Mike Holmgren. Who is the best? Where does Mike Sherman rank, read

Dillard goes unclaimed

As putrid as Tim Dillard’s K/9 was in AAA last year, he is still a live arm, and an appreciated one at that.

The Orioles reclaim Dennis Sarfate

Yes Dennis, guess what no one wants you. You are not good. Please tell your dad.

Guillermo Mota finds a home.

Isn’t it just great how baseball feels like the Kevin Bacon game? I mean, even today, players like Guillermo Mota and Marco Estrada are related, in a way, to Johnny Estrada. Now this may be the most valuable thing that Johnny Estrada has ever contributed to the Milwaukee Brewers, but that is beside the point. When before the 2008 season, Mota was acquired from the New York Mets, it reeked of a trash for trash, equal salary trade. While the Mets non-tendered that cancer Estrada later that offseason, Mota found a home in the Brewers bullpen. That season, I admittedly booed him at Miller Park in a Ben Sheets start that he blew right in the middle of his 2 week long slump. He came around to have a huge September which helped the Brewers clinch their first playoff appearance in 26 years. Best of luck to Guillermo.

Big Head Kevin Mench signs with the Nats

Kevin Mench was the notable acquisition, along with Francisco Cordero, in the Carlos Lee trade with the Rangers. By the end of his Brewer career, Mench was known for his humongous, and I mean that honestly, head. I’m talking the biggest head you have ever seen on a human being. Overall, amounted to a solid platoon player with the Brewers who split at-bats with Brett Favre look-a-like Geoff Jenkins, but never became the player Doug Melvin envisioned when he traded for him. One thing that is very noticeable about Melvin is that he rarely gives up on players, and almost always, at least during his tenure with the Brewers, will sign a former Ranger that he oversaw or drafted to a low risk contract with Milwaukee. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. With Mench, you can probably assume the latter.

Another Holmgren tree seedling emerges

The Mike Holmgren tree grew again today, as Dick Jauron was hired by another fellow branch, Andy Reid to be the Eagle’s secondary coach. It is still amazing to me that the Packers somehow ended up with the worst coach/GM of the Holmgren tree, Mike Sherman? I suppose that Bears’ fans would knock down my door screaming, “Oh, no Jauron was worse, much worse!” But at least Jauron sold his soul to Mike Brown’s devil before the 2001 season and the Bears went 13-3 right? All Shermy did was fall asleep at the combine.

Check that, Favre will be in the Super Bowl

Brett Favre appearing in a ridiculous Hyundai commercial is as absurd as him saying that he is going out on top. Read the rest here:

Brewers pick up Marco “Just don’t call me Johnny” Estrada

I’m not familiar with Marco Estrada; I have never seen him pitch. He put up some solid numbers in AAA last year: 3.63 ERA, 6.5 K/9 and a 2.2 BB/9. I have, however, seen Tim Dillard pitch, and the upside just isn’t there. When you fail to strike out 4 batters per nine innings, you just won’t last long in the major leagues. Hopefully Dillard isn’t claimed so he can remain a Brewer, but no one in Milwaukee will lose any sleep if he is claimed.

Oh, darn. Some teams are good. Some teams are great.

Packers’ fans are blessed to have Ted Thompson as their GM. You can agree or disagree, but Thompson has given the Packers an infusion of young, and naturally cheap, talent not seen in a very long time (ever?). But as good as Thompson is, he isn’t perfect; far from it in fact. Quite frankly, when I read that Daniel Muir was on the Packers practice squad, I hadn’t remembered the name. Should we Packer fans be okay knowing that an undrafted free agent is now a strong starter for the Super Bowl participating Baltimore Indianapolis Colts or upset that we let one slip through the cracks? Personally, I feel okay that our player evaluation system turned this guy up. No one else thought he was good enough to draft. At least we aren’t Raiders fans who know right after the 40-yard dash is run who their first round pick is going to be.

Hart to arbitration

Friday was a tentative deadline for a compromise deal to be made in regards to Corey Hart’s salary for the upcoming 2010 season. With that deadline having come and gone, it appears that the two sides will need to prepare for an arbitration hearing, something that Doug Melvin has never had to attend as GM of the Brewers. Hart has been disappointing since his All-Star appearance in 2008, notoriously falling off a cliff at the end of the 2008 season. With a marked improvement in his plate discipline last season, he became a bit more valuable at the plate, but it will take another step forward before he can earn the All-Star on his resume.

Dennis Sarfate again looking for a job

Dennis Sarfate always had a blazing fastball, but never had the control to harness it. With upwards of a 97 MPH fastball, pitchers like Dennis always get a 2nd or perhaps even 3rd look for the MLB scouting community. Initially, division rival Houston gave him a shot, before shipping him off to Baltimore in the trade for SS Miguel Tejada. Now with the 2010 Baltimore Orioles giving Tejada 6 million for a second stint with the team, Sarfate has again been kicked to the curb, ironically both Tejada and Sarfate were involved in each transaction. Sarfate, while a Brewer, was infamous for his father bad-mouthing the organization. One can only wonder if those issues came up again with his subsequent teams.

Brewers make a waiver claim

The Brewers claimed 2B/OF Joe Inglett off waivers from the Rangers, while in the process designating Chris Smith for assignment. Inglett had a productive 2008 with the Rangers, producing a 104 OPS+ in 385 plate appearances. With a career slash line of .293/.349/.396, he should be able to replace Frank Catalanotto’s role with the 2009 Brewers as main pinch hitter off the bench, competing for the 5th OF job in Milwaukee among a surplus of candidates, including Norris Hopper and Trent Oeltjen. I personally would have rather seen a reuniting with Gabe Gross, as a LH who could platoon with Gomez and replace Corey Hart against tough RHP. The offense will need a boost this season as Gomez is a significant offensive drop-off from Mike Cameron who signed a 2 year-15.5 million deal to become the new CF for the Boston Red Sox. Smith was one of the few successful pitchers that Milwaukee called up from the minors last season. Hopefully he seems through the cracks and can go back to Nashville if case of an injury to the 2010 pitching staff.

Horrible Hardy pouting, I mean, putting last season behind him

J.J. Hardy was horrible last season for the Brewers. There is no way around that, even his mother would have to agree. What’s worse is how he handled it last year, being so carefree and basically whining every chance he could. The man didn’t want to hit in front of the pitcher even though he hit like a pitcher. He had to hit #2 so he could get those juicy fastballs hitting in front of the best 1-2 punch in baseball. Hardy, your tired act ran dry in Milwaukee, and we are glad your weak mental state in across the border in the Twin Cities. In Escobar we trust.

Mets sign the Big Cat

Frank Catalanotto for the longest time was someone that I always wanted the Brewers to acquire to platoon in left field for no particular reason. Perhaps all those hours of playing Triple Play 97 corrupted my brain? Regardless of how naive I was back then, when the Brewers signed Catalanotto from the Brewers I couldn’t help but show a bit of satisfaction with the move. Happy to see him sign a deal that gets him closer to his New Jersey home as well. Good luck Cat.

A's get Gabe

Gabe Gross was solid during his time as a Milwaukee Brewers, and acquiring Josh Butler in a trade for him was even sweeter. I would rather have Gabe Gross for the reported 750k than Jody Gerut for 2 million. That 1.25 million might not seem like much, but that could have been added to a player mid-season, and now will just be a waste and I even like Gerut. A strange misuse of resources by the Brewers.

A big “Duh!” to Major League Baseball

I like Major league baseball and I think that it is the most fair of all the professional sports. The “salary cap” in the NFL and even worse in the NBA was completely destroyed the level-playing field that was it was supposed to provide for. Revenue sharing in MLB is by far the best of the 3 major sports leagues. But that doesn’t mean that baseball is without fault. Look no further than the draft. I find it appalling that the best prospects in the draft always seem to fall to the big market teams over signability concerns. That is ludicrous to me. And no international draft at all? That’s absurd. Gord Ash, the Brewers assistant GM, should take his list of simple points directly to Bud Selig’s office.

Badgers get some credibility, then lose

Wisconsin doesn't get respect nationally. That is a fact. But do you know what else is a fact? When Wisconsin does get some credibility, they lose, in football and in basketball. Come on men, that was a horrible loss. Letting Illinois beat you, no less on you home floor? Letting them shoot 54%, almost as good as your FT percentage 55%? Terrible loss. The Big Ten is a tough league, and Illinois is NOT a very good team no matter what their record says. Frustrating beyond belief.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bobby Simmons could be traded? Bought out?


Newsflash, one of Larry Harris' heinous long term contracts, this time Bobby Simmons is set to expire. Simmons had a good season for the Clippers before signing his huge deal with the Bucks. I liked the signing from a player perspective, Simmons was a solid role player who could easily average about 16 and 6, which he did for the Clippers. However, that production is not worth 10-12 million annually, and for 4 years no less. It is hard to believe that was only 4 years ago. Not only did he make too much coin, but basically forced Harris to trade Desmond Mason, who actually liked it in Milwaukee. Harris basically was under the opinion that Simmons and other NBA Free Agents would not come to Milwaukee unless vastly overpaid, a sentiment that is probably more true than false. Simmons' injuries during his time in Milwaukee were numerous, and overall he was a huge disappointment. Harris' brutal infatuation with Free Agency and resigning average players to all-star contracts; see Mo Williams, Dan Gadzuric, Charlie Bell, and Bobby Simmons, in addition to signing all-stat players to superstar contracts, Michael Redd, really handcuffed this team. John Hammond may not be stellar at player evaluation, but understands the importance of salary cap flexibility, which is ever so critical as a small-market team.

Lindsey Hunter to retire after this season?


Only about ten years too late pal. Man was he horrendous in the 2001 Eastern Conference Finals, and even the Semi Finals against the Charlotte Hornets. Could not hit the broadside of a barn. Hunter's putrid performance against Philadelphia is one of the secondary reasons the Bucks didn't make it to the Finals that season, but nonetheless, if someone like say Dell Curry had been on that team, it just might have been enough to tip the scales in Milwaukee's favor. But I'm not bitter, nah you must have me confused with someone else.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bucks clinch 3 game Wisconsin Sweep Saturday

3-0 for the Badger state. When was the last time that happened? Big win over the Pacers, continuing the undefeated home record in 2010. Best game of the season for Luc Richard, as his defense on Granger was key, in addition to his great night offensively with 18 pts and 11 rebounds. Stackhouse and Delfino each had solid nights in supporting roles with 14 and 6 and 16 and 4 respectively. Everything was fine, until TJ Ford decided to hit shots for the first time in his life, of course from the other bench. Did TJ ever have a night like that in Milwaukee? Jennings got schooled by him, and shot just 2/10. Sorry Brandon, you were a minus tonight.

Cool Andrew Bogut Video

Maybe I'm lame, but I kinda like these kind of things. Bogut has a nice house considering he makes 10 million per year. You can tell he is smart with his money.

Kurt Thomas a fall back option?


Kurt Thomas has played for 7 different NBA teams, and has a reputation for being a good post defender with the ability to hit the 15 foot jumper. He would help any NBA team win a title. I believe that the Bucks have playoff aspirations, but depending on the return for Thomas, would be hesitant to give him up. Behind Bogut, the Bucks have nothing, I repeat, nothing at the Center position. Plus, Travis Outlaw doesn't do anything for me. Now Francisco Elson, that's another story. He is horrible. I would take ANYTHING for that plodder.

Badgers own Wolverines

Wisconsin has owned Michigan, winning their third straight at the Breslin Center and their 8th straight overall. Jason Bohannon continued his torrid shooting while pretty much everyone played well. Michigan was ranked #15 at the beginning of the season? I remember getting excited when Marquette beat them handily earlier in the season, but man they are terrible. Rob Wilson could turn out to be the real sleeper come tournament time. I recall that he just didn't look ready from prime time when I went to see the ACC/Big 10 challenge game against Virginia Tech last year, but recently he has shown a real spurt off the bench. Trevon Hughes played much more under control today than against MSU, but still not what you would like to see out of a Bo Ryan point guard. However, Hughes is one of the few Badgers with play-making ability, making him virtually unbenchable. Can the Bucks clinch a sweep for today?

Bucks beat Knicks, without Bogut

Andrew Bogut has 6 pts in a very short stint before leaving the game with a migraine. After Bogut left, Bucks nation couldn't help but think the worst with Bogut's substantial injury history. But the Bucks responded with a good, hard all-around effort. Ersan Ilyasova really carried the offense early, while Jennings carried the trigger in the second half. Only really concern was Jennings seemed to get a little too carried away with the New York spotlight. I understand that he holds a grudge against the Knicks, but he needs to be better than that. He had shown maturity beyond his years in his short stint in the NBA, and he needs to continue to be able to deal with success.

Marquette escapes by the skin of their throats

Providence is not a good team. Marquette is. Marquette has to, has to, beat teams like Providence to get an at large bid in the NCAA tournament. Of course, the game went down to the final possession, and for once Marquette's opponents missed a game tying shot. Marquette escaped, but obviously that is better than losing. Marquette almost lost to Providence with the Three Amigos to this same Providence team, but ultimately prevailed. This game was similar, with this years team pulling out a much needed victory, especially on the road.

Forgot to mention

Marquette blew out DePaul after that heart-wrenching defeat earlier in Chicago, or where ever in Chicagoland the Blue Demons play. As I outlined in my February scheduling post, your Golden Eagles have a legitimate shot at winning out in Big East play. We Are Marquette.

Friday, February 5, 2010

IMO: Underrated Players Around the Association

The NBA constantly hypes up overrated players and underrates others. I, like most fans, have always wanted my team to acquire said players, only to watch a smarter team signor trade for them, and the media to finally catch up to their perceived worth and wonder what went wrong. Until now, I have never published this list, it was always mental. But now, I shall pen my first underrated players list that I would like the Bucks to acquire but they never will. You don't have to believe me, but Trevor Ariza and Devin Harris were once on this list.

Cleveland Cavaliers:

Leon Powe 1 yr 855,189

Miami Heat:

Dorrell Wright

(Former) New Jersey Net:

Sean Williams: Free Agent

Simple, just sign him

New York Knicks:

Marcus Landry 1 year 457,588

Orlando Magic:

Brandon Bass 3 yrs 4,000,000
Matt Barnes 1yr $1,600,000
Mickeal Pietrus 2 yrs $5,300,000
Ryan Anderson 2 yrs $1,317,120

Toronto Raptors:

Amir Johnson 1 yr 3,941,667

Denver Nuggets:

Ronaldo Balkman 4 yr 2,112,417
Ty Lawson 2 yr 1,438,630

Los Angeles Clippers:

Steve Novak 1 yr 1,031,000

Minnesota Timberwolves

Ramon Sessions 3 yr 3,670,667
Alando Tucker 1 yr 1071,720

New Orleans Hornets

James Posey 3 yr 6,031,800

Sacramento Kings:

Sergio Rodriguez 1 yr 1,576,696

San Antonio Spurs:

DeJuan Blair 4 yr 850,000

Utah Jazz:

Wes Matthews 1 yr 457,588

Any agreements, disagreements? Notable Omissions?

Mike Dunleavy finally out of a job


If you are a fan of Bill Simmons, you can't help but know about his distaste for Clippers (former) GM/Coach Mike Dunleavy. If you are a Milwaukee Bucks fan, you completely understand his sentiments. How did Dunleavy ever get a job in the first place? Seriously, how? Better yet, how did his son get picked #3 overall? Are the Dunleavys like the Kennedys? washed up overrated people who always seem to get jobs that they don't deserve, and who's scandals always seem to somehow bother no one. At the very least they have that stupid legacy name thing going on.

Celtics continue to shop Allen?


According to reports, the Celtics continue to shop Ray Allen, but for what? I think that the only deal that makes sense, if it’s even being discussed would be for Andre Iguodala and Samuel Dalembert. If the reported deal with Chicago goes down; Allen for John Salmons and Kirk Hinrich, then the Celtics are selling way low on Allen. Everyone knows that I definitely evaluate Allen too highly, but Kirk Hinrich and John Salmons. Come on.

Ray Allen never spoke truer words


Ray Allen said that he learned his lesson from the 2001 Eastern Conference Finals loss and that the Bucks just expected to rebound back to that level next year, and they managed to miss the playoffs. It doesn't surprise me one bit that that fat slob Anthony Mason and that bum Tim Thomas didn't give it their all. As much as I supported the Anthony Mason trade at the time: a low post player sounded great at the time correct?, and thought Tim Thomas would magically remember he was 6' 10'' and stop being allergic to rebounds. Man was I delusional. And worse yet, that series still haunts me. I need to get over it already.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

D-Mase to retire?


Desmond Mason was traded twice by your Milwaukee Bucks. That is incredible when you consider the fact that he was essentially the cornerstone, long-term piece that they acquired for Ray Allen, unless of course you want to include Gary Payton. But honestly, who wants to do that. Desmond was productive during his time in the Brew City, but I think was always intuitively compared to Ray Allen, a comparison that is neither fair nor valid. Mason will always be remembered for his "snake in the grass" comment about former GM Larry Harris, who after signing Bobby Simmons to an agonizingly over priced deal, promised that both could play together. But instead he traded the swing-man to the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets for Jamaal "Big (fat) Cat" Magloire. Mason was truly one of the nice guys to play basketball, most notably using his relative fame as an NBA player to promote his personal artwork. As a former slam dunk champion, he was neither Minor nor Jordan, but solidly somewhere in the middle.

Brady Clark signs minor league deal with the White Sox of all teams

Brady Clark had a good run with the Brewers as the starting CF, even if he played so close to second base he probably could have spit on it. Of course the White Sox, who basically gave him the starting job by acquiring Scott Podsednik. What a great trade by Doug Melvin. Podsednik had his 15 minutes in Chicago, wining a World Series, most notably for his extra inning HR to beat the Astros 1-0 (his only HR that whole season. But Carlos Lee was better. El Caballo as he was sometimes called was a great hitter for the Brewers before signing with the Astros for twice as much as Melvin offered him. I, as a Carlos Lee jersey owner, appreciated his time in Milwaukee, and could never really root against him as an Astro, unless they were playing the Brewers. Contrary to popular belief, it would take a saint to turn down 100 million dollars.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

McClunck joins Turnblow

Seth McClung was a solid bullpen arm for the Milwaukee Brewers in 2008. In 2009, McClung seemed disrespected when he was not given the starting job, and had almost as many walks (39) as strike outs (40). His huge 4 inning relief outing against the Cubs the day before the clincher will go down in Brewer lore, but it was time for the two to part ways. Of course, acquiring him for Grant Balfour doesn’t hurt either.

February Scheduling Predictions

Your Milwaukee Bucks, Wisconsin Badgers and Marquette Golden Eagles all have games this month. Let's take a sneak peek about what to expect record wise for the pride of the Badger State.


Feb 01 @MIA L
Feb 02 @ORL L
Feb 05 @NY W
Feb 06 IND W
Feb 09 DET W
Feb 10 @NJ W
Feb 17 HOU L
Feb 19 @DET W
Feb 20 CHA W
Feb 22 @NY W
Feb 24 NO W
Feb 25 @IND W
Feb 27 @MIA L
Feb 28 @ATl L

Overall: 9-5.

Interesting that they play the Heat 3 times this month. Overall a pretty cupcake schedule. Have to clean up this month if you want to make the playoffs.


Feb 03 DeP W
Feb 06 @PRO W
Feb 13 SF W
Feb 18 PIT W
Feb 21 @CIN W
Feb 24 @STJ W
Feb 28 @STN W

Overall: 7-0

The opening schedule was brutal, but if you combine February and March, Marquette has a decent chance to win out. Marquette, according to Ken Pom is ranked 17th in the country. Hopefully they have a good enough record to make the tournament, although I suspect that they will have to win 1 Big East game to make it to the Big Dance. This team has the chance to, as a double-digit seed to make a deep run into the tournament.


Feb 02 MSU W
Feb 06 @UM W
Feb 09 @UI W
Feb 13 @IU W
Feb 18 @MIN L
Feb 21 NW W
Feb 25 @IU W

Overall: 6-1

Another easy schedule for a Wisconsin team. Only loss I see is at Minnesota, and only because of the rivalry and the absence of Jon Leuer. Wisconsin is #4 in Ken Pom


Another former Brewer sent to the wire

Dana Eveland was a big guy who was expected to be a key cog in Milwaukee’s rotation. Instead, he was shipped to Arizona in the trade that got the Brewers Johnny Estrada. What a great bit of service Dana. It's bad enough you have a girl name. The Brewers resigned one member of the trade, Doug Davis. Hopefully the connections to that regrettable trade end there.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Allen was blindsided, there’s something we have in common


I’ve written about the dreaded Ray Allen-Gary Payton, and I still haven’t fully forgiven the Bucks for that trade. I remember being 13 and constantly refreshing the Journal Sentinel website thinking it was some kind of hoax. You weren’t alone Ray. Milwaukee, still, misses you. Ernie Grunfeld you still make me sad sometimes. I was happy for you to win a title; you are as deserving as any NBA player. Perhaps you could resign in Brew City? One can only dream.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Elson out 6 weeks

I would like to be able to tell you how key this loss is for the Bucks, and how they will struggle without his veteran presence, but Francisco Elson is as much of a Buck as I am. He is terrible, inactive most of the time, and although I wish him the best as a person, his abilities as a basketball player will not be missed.